e02 : Final Exam: In person noon-3p
num | ready? | description | exam date |
e02 | true | Final Exam: In person noon-3p | Tue 12/12 12:00PM |
Instructions for the exam
- Exam will be in person in the regular lecture hall.
- The exam will be closed book, no laptops or electronic devices are allowed. The exam will be closed book, no laptops or electronic devices are allowed. However, you may bring a one-page A4 or letter size paper containing your notes (front and back). Notes may be handwritten or typed.
- Posting the exam questions online or collaborating with anyone is a serious violation of academic integrity. Seeking or giving help to others will result in an F in the course.
- Seating is assigned, please check your seat here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xqn5Tq_rndiOBEwOOY_ud3KuNBGghLqL6tasK0fpV54/edit?usp=sharing
Exam topics
Review all topics covered in weeks 1 - 10. Emphasis will be placed on the data structures and concepts covered after linked lists:
- Binary Search Trees
- Stacks
- Queues
- Heaps (priority queues)
- Graphs (representation)
- Graph and tree traversals (BFS & DFS)
- C++ concepts (Big four, oeprtaor overloading, templates, and iterators)
- Running time and space time complexity (big O) of all data structures covered so far
- Big-O analysis of code that involves any data structures
- Problems on the above involving recursion
- Problems involving choosing the appropriate data structure to optimize for time or space.
- The C++ STL container classes:
vector, array, list, forward_list, deque, set, map, stack, queue, priority_queue
(you must have working knowledge of these data structures, how to use the operations that they support, and running times)
All the labs, pas, and code written in lecture.
Some past exams are available on Gauchospace.