pa02 : Application of data structures to a movie dataset

num ready? description assigned due
pa02 true Application of data structures to a movie dataset Wed 11/22 09:00AM Fri 12/08 11:59PM

Collaboration policy

This assignment may be completed in pairs using the pair-programming style of developing code described in previous assignments.


Please read the entire writeup before beginning the PA. In particular, take a look at part 3a to understand your requirements for a full score before attempting to implement a solution. You are graded on the running time efficiency of your solution.

In this assignment, you will

Goal of this assignment

Note: The goals above are very important in the industry and interviews!

Getting Started

Starter code

GitHub repository

Refer to lab01 for instructions on how to set up a GitHub repository and pull the starter code for this lab. Obtain the starter code from this repo:


You are given eight datasets in CSV files. Each CSV file:

Example of alphabetical order Below is a list of movie names and their ratings, ordered alphabetically by movie name

ace ventura: when nature calls,6.1
cutthroat island,5.7
dracula: dead and loving it,5.7
father of the bride part ii,5.7
four rooms,6.5
grumpier old men,6.5
money train,5.4
sense and sensibility,7.2
sudden death,5.5
the american president,6.5
tom and huck,5.4
toy story,7.7
waiting to exhale,6.1

Example of random order

toy story,7.7
grumpier old men,6.5
waiting to exhale,6.1
father of the bride part ii,5.7
tom and huck,5.4
sudden death,5.5
the american president,6.5
dracula: dead and loving it,5.7
cutthroat island,5.7
sense and sensibility,7.2
four rooms,6.5
ace ventura: when nature calls,6.1
money train,5.4

Files to complete

Problem statement

This assignment has three parts. You should separate your algorithm for part 1 from your algorithm for part 2 because in part 3, you need to analyze the running time complexity of your solution to part 2 only.

Command-line arguments

./runMovies movieFilename prefixFilename

Part 1: Print all movie names and ratings

Your program should print out all the movies in alphabetical order of movie name. You may use only one data structure of your choice to store the data from the CSV file. When testing this part, do not include the prefix file as a command-line argument!

Example with no prefixes

./runMovies input_20_random.csv 

This should produce the output

ace ventura: when nature calls, 6.1
balto, 7.1
casino, 7.8
cutthroat island, 5.7
dracula: dead and loving it, 5.7
father of the bride part ii, 5.7
four rooms, 6.5
goldeneye, 6.6
grumpier old men, 6.5
heat, 7.7
jumanji, 6.9
money train, 5.4
nixon, 7.1
sabrina, 6.2
sense and sensibility, 7.2
sudden death, 5.5
the american president, 6.5
tom and huck, 5.4
toy story, 7.7
waiting to exhale, 6.1

Part 2: Find movies based on prefixes

In Part 2, the goal is to search for movies based on their prefixes. This involves finding movies whose titles begin with a particular set of letters or words. The search results will be limited to movies that match the specified prefix criteria.

In this case, your program will take an extra command-line argument that specifies the name of a second file containing one or more prefixes. Then for each prefix, your program should:

You may use additional data structures from the C++ STL to help you solve this part of the assignment, or you may write your own structure.

Part 2a: All movies starting with a prefix

First, for each prefix, your program should print out all the movies whose names start with that prefix in decreasing order of rating. If multiple movies have the same rating, print them in alphabetical order of movie name. For example, print the american president, 6.5 before the confessional, 6.5. If no movie names start with that prefix, then print

No movies found with prefix <prefix_value>

Part 2b: Highest-rated movie for a prefix

Second, for each prefix, your program should print the highest rated movie whose name starts with that prefix. If there is a tie for the highest-rated movie, then use the movie whose name comes first in alphabetical order.


Example with three prefixes and multiple movies with the same rating

./runMovies input_100_random.csv prefix_small.txt

This should produce the following output:

toy story, 7.7
to die for, 6.7
tom and huck, 5.4

the usual suspects, 8.1
the city of lost children, 7.6
the postman, 7.6
the white balloon, 7.5
the journey of august king, 6.7
things to do in denver when you're dead, 6.7
the american president, 6.5
the confessional, 6.5
the crossing guard, 6.1
the indian in the cupboard, 5.9
the juror, 5.5
the big green, 5.2

wings of courage, 6.8
white squall, 6.3
waiting to exhale, 6.1
when night is falling, 5.9

Best movie with prefix to is: toy story with rating 7.7
Best movie with prefix th is: the usual suspects with rating 8.1
Best movie with prefix w is: wings of courage with rating 6.8

Another example of multiple movies with the same rating let prefix.txt be a file that contains the prefix “be”

./runMovies input_1000_random.csv prefix.txt

should produce the output:

before sunrise, 7.7
before the rain, 7.7
beauty and the beast, 7.5
belle de jour, 7.3
beautiful girls, 6.6
beyond rangoon, 6.4
beat the devil, 6.2
before and after, 5.8
beverly hills cop iii, 5.5
bed of roses, 5.1
being human, 5.0
beyond bedlam, 4.0

Best movie with prefix be is: before sunrise with rating 7.7

Example with no movies for a given prefix *Let prefix.txt be a file that contains the prefixes: “t” and “xyz”

./runMovies input_100_random.csv prefix.txt

should produce the output

the usual suspects, 8.1
toy story, 7.7
the city of lost children, 7.6
the postman, 7.6
the white balloon, 7.5
twelve monkeys, 7.4
the journey of august king, 6.7
things to do in denver when you're dead, 6.7
to die for, 6.7
the american president, 6.5
the confessional, 6.5
the crossing guard, 6.1
the indian in the cupboard, 5.9
the juror, 5.5
tom and huck, 5.4
two bits, 5.4
the big green, 5.2
two if by sea, 4.5

No movies found with prefix xyz

Best movie with prefix t is: the usual suspects with rating 8.1

Part 3: Analyze the time and space complexity of your algorithm from part 2

Assume that

Part 3a: Analyze time complexity

Analyze the worst-case Big-O time complexity of your algorithm from part 2 of the assignment. You may assume that

First, provide the time complexity analysis as a commented block right after your main() function in main.cpp. Note that

Second, report on specific running times achieved by your solution on each random input file: input_20_random.csv, input_100_random.csv, input_1000_random.csv, and input_76920_random.csv, using prefix_large.txt as the second parameter.

. Write down the number of milliseconds it takes for your solution to run on each input. Only report on the randomized datasets.

You will be graded for the efficiency of your algorithms but also the clarity and correctness of your analysis.

Here are runtime plots of three different types of solutions. These runtimes were gathered on the csil machines on the input files input_76920_random.csv, recording the running time to compute the result for the first m prefixes in prefix_large.txt to get each data point in the plot. If you want to get a proper runtime comparison, please run your code on csil.


Part 3b: Analyze space complexity

Analyze the worst case Big-O space complexity of your algorithm from part 2 of the assignment. You may assume that

You must provide the space complexity analysis as a commented block under your time complexity analysis. Note that

You will be graded for the efficiency of your algorithms but also the clarity and correctness of your analysis. However, we are not giving you a target Big-O space complexity.

Part 3c: Explore tradeoffs between time/space complexity

Briefly state how you designed your algorithm from part 2 of the assignment for the task at hand. More specifically, answer this question:

Based on your answer to the question above, answer one of the following:

  1. If you designed your algorithm for a low time complexity,
    • Were you able to achieve a low space complexity as well?
    • Why or why not?
  2. If you designed your algorithm for a low space complexity,
    • Were you able to achieve a low time complexity as well?
    • Why or why not?
  3. If you designed your algorithm for both,
    • Were you able to achieve both?
    • Why or why not?
    • Which was harder to achieve: low time complexity or low space complexity?

You must provide these answers as a commented block under your space complexity analysis.

You will be graded for the clarity and thoughtfulness of your analysis.


For this programming assignment, you will have a lot of flexibility on your implementation (which just means we won’t be providing a code framework for you to fill in). However, there are a few requirements that you need to keep in mind as you think about your solution: