Getting help: TA/Tutor lab hours and Professor Office hours
Professor Mirza’s Office Hours
- Wednesdays, 11a - noon, Fridays: noon - 1p, or by appointment (starting week 2)
- Location: HFH 1155
Lab Hours
- “Closed” labs refer to your sections that you are registered for on GOLD. These are (50 minute discussion sections) and will be held on Tuesdays: 3p, 4p, 5p, 6p in PHELPS 3525
- ATTENDANCE is REQUIRED in closed labs if you are working with a pair partner.
- Open” labs refer to times that you can get help from TAs and tutors outside of your scheduled labs. Open labs will be held in the evenings in Phelps.
- Open labs will be offered starting Week 2.
- Please check the detailed schedule below: